


Artigos Técnicos

Artigo Científico | Geral Corrosão | Inglês | 04/09/2002

Alloy degradation under oxidizing-sulfidizing conditions at elevated temperatures

Autores: Brian Gleeson

Palavras-chave: breakaway, critical microstructure, kinetic boundary, sulfidation, thermodynamics

Resumo: Exposure of high-temperature alloys to a low-PO2 oxidizing-sulfidizing environment above about 550 °C is often characterized by an initial period of protective oxidation followed by more rapid corrosion. This paper will provide a brief overview of alloy corrosion in oxidizing-sulfidizing atmospheres, with specific consideration given to the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of the process, resulting modes of degradation, and alloy selection. The concept of a "critical microstructure" in the subsurface of the alloy as a prerequisite to initiating protective scale breakdown will also be discussed. The paper will conclude with a specific example of alloy development for the filtration of hot oxidizing-sulfidizing gases.

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Materials Research

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