


Artigos Técnicos

Artigo Científico | Hidrogênio em Soluções Sólidas | Inglês | 10/07/2002

Microstructural Characterization of Reaction Products on Iron Based Alloys Exposed to H2/H2S Atmospheres at High Temperatures

Autores: Lalgudi V. Ramanathan, Marina F. Pillis

Palavras-chave: reactive elements, sulphidation

Resumo: Thermogravimetric measurements in H2/H2S environments for up to five hours were carried out to determine the sulphidizing behavior of Fe-20Cr and Fe-20Cr-0.7Y alloys. These measurements helped to determine the mechanism of sulphidization in the early stages. The reaction products were characterized using a scanning electron microscope coupled to an energy dispersive analyzer and by X-ray diffraction analysis. The addition of yttrium influenced the morphology of the sulphide layer and the reaction kinetics.

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Materials Research

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