


Artigos Técnicos

Artigo Científico | Síntese de Materiais Cerâmicos | Inglês | 07/01/2003

Sintesis de ceramicos de ZnO dopados con praseodimio y cobalto

Autores: Ana Milena Cruz, Humar Avila, J.E. Rodríguez Páez, Mirian Susana Castro

Palavras-chave: earth rares, powder synthesis, varistor, zinc oxide

Resumo: Zinc oxide, ZnO, is a very interesting compound in science and electronic ceramics technology. ZnO ceramics containing some additives were reported to show varistor action with excellent nonlinearity in current - voltage characteristics. However, investigations were restricted to the ZnO - Bi2O3 ceramic system. Other type of varistor, which contains praseodymium oxide, also present nonlinear behaviour. In this work, results obtained in the synthesis Zn-Pr-Co powder are shown. In order to determine and control the several stages of the chemical method, potentiometric titration was used. The solid phase obtained was pressed and sintered.

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Materials Research

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