


Artigos Técnicos

Artigo Científico | Termodinâmica | Inglês | 08/01/2001

Thermal and Optical Properties of Porous Silicon

Autores: A. Ferreira da Silva, E. Veje, I. Pepe, L. S. Roman, M.M.F. d Aguiar Neto, O. Nakamura, T. Souza da Silva

Palavras-chave: optical properties, photoacoustic spectroscopy, porous silicon, thermal properties

Resumo: Thermal diffusivity and optical absorption have been investigated for porous silicon, at room temperature, using photoacoustic spectroscopy. The experimental results obtained conform well with the existing studies recently published. The value obtained for thermal diffusivity is 0.045 ± 0.002 cm2/s.The absorption onsets show energy structures, differing from the ordinary semiconductor of bulk type. PACS 51.20.Td; 74.25.Fy; 73.20.Dy; 78.20.Wc; 81.40.Tv

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Materials Research

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