


Artigos Técnicos

Artigo Científico | Cinética Química | Português | 17/03/2002

Efeito da temperatura na velocidade de redução do MnO pelo carbono dissolvido em ligas líqüidas Fe-C-Mn

Autores: Carlos Antônio da Silva, Jorge Alberto Soares Tenório, José Roberto de Oliveira, Paulo Santos Assis

Palavras-chave: cinética, kinetics, mno, reduction, redução

Resumo: Esse trabalho estuda a redução do MnO por banhos de ferro saturado em carbono, nas temperaturas de 1500°C, 1550°C e 1600°C. São determinados os valores da energia de ativação aparente para essa reação, através do método das velocidades iniciais, para teores de manganês iniciais no banho de 0%, 10% e 40%. Os valores encontrados foram, respectivamente, 64,8 kcal/mol, 63,13 kcal/mol e 63,25 kcal/mol .

Abstract: The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of temperature on the velocity of MnO reduction by a carbon saturated liquid iron bath. The tests were performed in a laboratory apparatus specially designed to simulate smelting reduction reactions. The reactions were carried out respectively at 1500°C, 1550°C and 1600°C, and also the initial manganese concentration in the bath were 0%, 10% e 40%. The apparent activation energies were graphically determined for the overall reduction process through the initial velocity method. The overall reaction rate increases as the temperature increases, and the apparent activation energies were 64,8, 63,13 and 63,25 kcal/mol, respectively for 0%, 10% and 40% of initial manganese content in the carbon saturated iron bath.

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