


Artigos Técnicos

Artigo Científico | Tensão e Deformação | Inglês | 10/04/2004

Coupled stress-strain and electrical resistivity measurements on copper based shape memory single crystals

Autores: Carlos José de Araújo, Cézar Henrique Gonzalez, Gérard Guénin, Michel Morin, N.F. de Quadros

Palavras-chave: electrical resistivity, martensitic transformation, shape memory effects, superelasticity

Resumo: Recently, electrical resistivity (ER) measurements have been done during some thermomechanical tests in copper based shape memory alloys (SMA's). In this work, single crystals of Cu-based SMA's have been studied at different temperatures to analyse the relationship between stress (s) and ER changes as a function of the strain (e). A good consistency between ER change values is observed in different experiments: thermal martensitic transformation, stress induced martensitic transformation and stress induced reorientation of martensite variants. During stress induced martensitic transformation (superelastic behaviour) and stress induced reorientation of martensite variants, a linear relationship is obtained between ER and strain as well as the absence of hys teresis. In conclusion, the present results show a direct evidence of martensite electrical resistivity anisotropy.

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Materials Research

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