


Artigos Técnicos

Artigo Científico | Tratamento de Superfícies | Inglês | 31/12/2000

Surface Modification Issues in Art

Autores: Aucouturier Marc, E. Leforestier

Palavras-chave: não há palavras-chave

Resumo: Surface modification of art and patrimonial objects may be considered from very various view points: archaeology, history of techniques, restoration, conservation, etc. The use of conventional or particular surface techniques has to be adapted to the specificity of those object: possible non-destructive characterisation, non-invasive restoration, prevention of future degradation. The paper will first define the intervention field of the laboratory for such issues: surface assessment, techniques of restoration, conservation recommendations. It will point out the status of the patrimonial object and the authorised range of each scientific investigation A methodological analysis of various methods for surface characterisation and surface treatments will be proposed. The argumentation will be illustrated by a limited number of demonstrative examples: surface assessment of a prestigious museum bronze object, development of a program for the restoration and conservation of silver museum goods, research in progress for understanding the role of surface on the quality of musical instruments.

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