


Artigos Técnicos

Artigo Científico | Polímeros Condutores | Inglês | 10/01/2008

Dielectric behaviour of CaCu3Ti4O12-epoxy composites

Autores: Miguel Angel Ramírez, Leandro Alfredo Ramajo, María Marta Reboredo, Mirian Susana Castro, Paulo Roberto Bueno

Palavras-chave: composites, electrical properties, polymer-matrix composites (pmcs)

Resumo: The dielectric behavior of composite materials (epoxy resin – barium titanate and epoxy – CCTO) was analysed as a function of ceramic amount. Composites were prepared by mixing the components and pouring them into suitable moulds. In some compositions, the matrix was reduced by tetrahydrofuran (THF) incorporation. Samples containing various amounts of ceramic filler were examined by TG/DTA and scanning electron microscopy analysis. Dielectric measurements were performed from 20 Hz to 1 MHz and 30 to 120 °C. It was demonstrated that the epoxy – CCTO composites possessed higher permittivity than classic epoxy – BaTiO3 composites. However, the low resin permittivity prevailed in the composite dielectric performance.

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Materials Research

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