


Artigos Técnicos

Artigo Científico | Sinterização | Inglês | 10/04/2007

Rapid manufacturing of polyethylene parts with controlled pore size gradients using selective laser sintering

Autores: Alexandre Lago, Carlos Henrique Ahrens, Gean Vitor Salmoria, Pricila Klauss, Rafael Galet Oliveira, Rodrigo Acacio Paggi

Palavras-chave: hdpe parts, pore gradients, selective laser sintering

Resumo: In this study HDPE specimens were fabricated by selective laser sintering using different particle sizes to obtain controlled variations in the porosity. Electron microscopy, density measurements and mechanical analyses were conducted for the characterization of the specimens. Parts with controlled pore gradients were also manufactured and characterized. The specimens with larger particle sizes had a high sintering degree and a significant level of close pores, as shown by microscopy and density analyses. However, the mechanical properties of specimens prepared with large particles had low values due to the limited density of union points, i.e., low neck number/area. HDPE parts with pore gradients were prepared by selective laser sintering demonstrating that this technique can be used to easily control the structure and the properties of the parts manufactured. This technology may have applications in areas such as drug delivery devices and scaffolds for tissue engineering.

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Materials Research

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